Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Yeah, I know, it's been awhile.

so, this is my first post using my PocketPC. that being said, it will probably be ashort post, and rife with spelling errors.
I signed up for the beta of gmail today. Although 1--m still not too sure how I feel about an instance of their ad-sense rifling through my email content. I mean, it's obvious that it's a big privacy issue. It'S one thing togive my consent for my outgoing mail to be datamined (Not that I'm ok with that.-,). it's another thing entirely for them to mine my incoming mail.I mean, the people who write me didn't give their Consent
I'm still interested to give it a whirl. It's gOt some nifty features that I'm looking forward to checking out.
Well, I guess it's getting Kind of late (or early as the case May be)so I shoald get going and get Some shut-efl. Nighty-night allI!

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