Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Next stop, Graduation

So I bought my cap and gown and paid for commencement fees today. $60 total. I'm graduating with honors, so they threw in yellow cords to boot. That reminded me that I need to order my cords from Golden Key, and my cords and stole from Upsilon Pi Epsilon (no, not a fraternity, a computer science honor society).

Today's free stuff was burgers and a movie at the local drive-in. Too far out of the way so I didn't make it. Tomorrow's is free hot dog's, and I think it's during UU hour, which means I won't get any because I have a Computer Science Department Student Fee Committee meeting I have to go to then. Oh well, at least I got free pancakes!

This is going to be a _VERY_ busy weekend for me. I have to have my implementation and testing for my senior project done by Tuesday. Then the paper is due a week later. Plus I've got a "Habitat Enhancement Project" for my Political Science class on Saturday as well as a paper to write. What exactly a "Habitat Enhancement Project" is I don't rightly know. I should look into it. Hopefully it's not manual labor :p.

Well, my roommate just finished making fried chicken and mashed potatoes, so it's about time for me to go. Till next time, alskjdf

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