Friday, March 07, 2008

Going back to the States next week

No, I'm not already tired of London. I'm finally getting my work visa taken care of. I'm still technically "here for training" right now. I've got my work permit and all, just not the visa itself yet. I've got an appointment in Manhattan on Monday to get my biometrics taken. Exactly what that entails I don't know (didn't do the research...). Perhaps just fingerprints, perhaps also a retina scan, perhaps they take my soul....

I'll actually be in New York for 10 days, as I'm the first Infusionite in London to go through this process for the States and we're not exactly sure what the trip will entail. Believe it or not the rest of the folks from North America are Canadian, and they've got the Canadian visa process down. When I'm not directly working on getting my visa I'll be working at the Barclays Capital offices in mid-town, got a desk waiting for me and everything.

I've already started doing some research to find some good places to catch some music (mostly been looking for blues and jazz so far), and food. If any of you out there have any suggestions I'd love to hear them. I've got a weekend while I'm there as well, so any weekend suggestions are welcome too.

Well, it's 8pm here and I haven't eaten dinner yet so I'm gonna get going. After that I'm probably just going to watch some t.v. and crash early. I was sick this week and I want to make sure I'm completely rested and healthy come Monday with the whole trans-oceanic flight and all.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

YAY, New York, I *heart* NYC!!!! I went a place called the beauty bar in east just a dive spot to have a few drinks and have your nails done....if you are into that sort of thing :) There is an upscale restaurant called Balthazar...yes my last name, you can have a resonable priced lunch should also head over to williamsburg, brooklyn, there is a great joint on the main drag that gives you a free personal size pizza with EVERY drink you purchase. Williamsburg is *hipsterville* but cool nonetheless. Enjoy!