Saturday, September 18, 2004

Such a small world, and is anything really a coincidence?

Once again, I join you from the depths of perkatory. I was looking for something in my jacket pockets the other day (I can't remember what it was I was initially looking for) and found something I wasn't looking for. I happened upon credit card receipts from perkatory. "So what's the big deal," you ask me. Well, it turns out that the receipts print out Planetary Espresso as the name of the business. Most of you probably don't know, don't remember, or just plain don't care (you can stop reading now) but Planetary Espresso is was the coffee place across the street from my old apartment on Olive Pl. The one that I went to every morning last summer.

So I asked one of the friendly baristas about the receipts. I was told that perkatory recently changed owners, and the new owners used to own a place called Planetary Espresso. Methinks this doesn't bode well for perkatory. You see, Planetary Espresso was originally owned by a guy named Kevin (while I went to it) but recently changed ownership shortly after I left Seattle. The new owners got rid of all the old employees, all the regulars stopped showing up, and the place eventually went under. <Toast>Here's to hoping the same thing doesn't happen here.</Toast> Maybe they've learned their lesson?

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