Saturday, September 11, 2004

First Hill

So it seems that my apartment is in First Hill, not Capitol Hill. Or maybe even the top of the Central District? Who knows where the borders of the neighborhoods exactly are. I've moved most of the stuff from my temp. housing to my apartment. One more trip and it will all be done. Then I need to contact the movers to get all my crap out of storage. Since it'll probably take a few days to get that arranged, I'll probably be sleeping on a hardwood floor for a few days. :)

I'm currently sitting in a coffee house a couple blocks from my apartment called perkatory enjoying a cappuccino and free wi-fi. I've taken advantage of the internet connectivity to use the King County Metro trip planner. So it turns out that I'll probably be able to get by without a car for awhile. I can catch a bus right outside my apartment, make one transfer and be at work in about 45 minutes. Good reading time! I can also take the bus from work to the doctors and back to Seattle (I've got 3 appointments this coming week for massage and chiropractic adjustment).

Hopefully I'll have all my furniture and have the apartment in some semblance of sanity by this coming weekend. I figure that's when I'll have my house-warming. It would do no good to not have places or room for people to plop themselves, now would it? So who's going to come in from out of town to help me warm my house? ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once you get settled I'd like to check out Seattle. In the meantime I've got some things I need to take care of.

Mike SLO