Friday, July 06, 2007

Wow, so it's been awhile...

It's hard to believe that it's been over 2.5 years since my last post to this blog. I feel like enough things are going on right now that reviving it will be a good thing to do to keep various interested parties updated on my life :). There's so much that has gone on in the last 2.5 years, there's no way that I'm going to recap it all here, but I will definitely be posting some entries about the last couple months.

I was going to start it all off with a "small" decision I made in the beginning of May, but since the 4th of July just happened I'll start things off with that and then travel back in time. I'll probably intersperse stuff about present day things with things from the past. Regarding the "small" decision I made in May (I'm sure most anyone that will be reading this will already know at least what that decision was), I will make a quick comment regarding my last blog posting 2.5 years ago. In the last post I asked "Why can't my whole life be a vacation". Well suffice it to say the last month and a half (or so) of my life have been a great big wonderful vacation :).

Oh yeah, one more thing before I jump into the 4th of July. It's probably too long ago for anyone to notice (or care), but the title of my blog was originally "i am the future". I have changed that to now read "the future is now".

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