Sunday, October 17, 2004

Has it really been two weeks?

and it's not like the last blog entry was at all substantial or informative. Getting lazy again! Well, I've gotten to the point that I can't deal with not having a car. Horrible. A byproduct of the modern, fast paced lifestyle. I should have a car early this coming week. Hopefully.

So what's new in the life of Miguel? Hmm... I guess the last post with any updates was September 26th. So what's been going on in the past month? Not a whole lot worth mention, other than the fact that I met a chica last week who's quite nifty and fun to hang out with. But besides that, not much. I'm pretty boring aren't I?

Maybe I'll have an update later this week about exciting exploits in my new car. A road trip, that's what I need. hmm... Maybe next weekend I'll break the new car in with a good old fashioned road trip. Vancouver? Portland? I'll keep you updated (maybe I'm not that boring after all)

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