Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Absolutely nothing new to say

I know there's been tons going on in my life, but to be honest, I've been tired and a little stressed lately. When it comes time to write a post to my blog, I just can't seem to mete it out.

I do have a friend from school coming up to the area next weekend. It'll be nice to see him, haven't seen him in a couple years. I need to do a better job of keeping in touch with all my friends. But you all know that.

I still don't really know what my plans are for the end of year holidays (other than getting away from work for a couple weeks). I've only been working since mid-August, but with the deadlines hitting me, I know I'll need the break.

Well the girlfriend just showed up, so I'm gonna use that as an excuse to leave the post for another time.


Anonymous said...

If you have nothing good to say, then don't say anthing at all. Thats what some old time'r said a-long time-ago. I don't really believe in that, cause I say bad things all the time. Curse words just seem to flow out of my mouth like waters of the MIssissippi River, into the deltas that is.

Anyways, sorry I haven't been up in here. But my PC has a mind of its own, and a life as well. She likes to crash on me if I do things she doesn't like. I'm going to leave her for something better, but something tells me she already knows.

What nothing to post about! How about that Scion Box, or however you spell that piece of #2.

Please excuse that river of mine, It just flows, and flows.

On a side note, whats your plans for x-mas? How much time do you get off? I wanted to go to up there with a few people during the winter quarter, But I can't, I have too much junk to deal with. So what I'm thinking is a about something in the spring. Maybe Cancun or ....

Anonymous said...

Its been a while since I've been up in here, but nice to know your still posting. Couple of questions for you. Whats your plans for winter (X-mas), can you post up some pics of you and your Lady or at least some pics of Seattle life, and how about Mexico for spring 2005.
