Thursday, June 24, 2004

Three weeks late and a dollar short.

Wow, I didn't realise it's been so long since I last posted. Well, fyi, I did graduate :). Dyed my hair and chops pillarbox red for the graduation ceremony. My sister Jessica, mom, dad, g-ma and g-pa were in attendance. They got some pictures with a digital camera that I'll have to upload somewhere for any interested parties.

I tell you, the packing was a real pain in the ass. I still haven't really unpacked and setup my room here at the parents house for the summer. Slowly but surely. I did unpack the x-box though! Finally had some time to get around to playing some of my games for the first time.

Had a graduation party this past weekend (the weekend after I walked). It was nice, I got to see some relatives and friends and have some good food and drink. Plans for the rest of the summer? Still not sure if I'll do any travelling before Chile. Since time is ticking and I don't as yet have plans I probably won't be going anywhere else unfortunately. I am going to the Hootenanny on July 3rd with my buddy Rob though. That should be swell. The Cramps, the Rev., Big Sandy, Hellbound Hayride, aw heck, just check out the website.

Well, I'm gonna go crack a soda, grab a bite to eat, and plop my self in front of ye olde x-box. goodbye.

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