Saturday, May 22, 2004

This doesn't feel like a weekend.

I was up until 2am working on my senior project. I crashed from 2-8:30am and then got up and got ready to go do my _required_ "habitat enhancement project". Yep, that's right, I decided to just suck it up and do it. So I met with my class and pulled hemlock and ivy in a creek bed from 10-12. That really sucked.

After I finished with that, I ran a few errands, got some lunch, and started working on my senior project again. And here I am at 10:30pm on Saturday night still working on it. I've taken a few small breaks, but I've been working on it pretty much all day.

Tomorrow I'll be meeting with my partner to install code, configure devices, and do some integration testing. Does all of this sound like a weekend to you? The good thing is that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My implementation for my senior project is due on Tuesday (thus the mad rush to finish) and my paper is due a week from Tuesday. After that, any minor changes that need to be made and a final in my Political Science class and I AM OUT OF HERE!


Oh, yeah, speaking of graduating and stuff, I just found out that if I had paid a little more attention to my transcript/records over the last couple quarters, I could have graduated with a 3.81 cumulative which would have been Magna Cum Laude. As it is, I am graduating with 3.61 (Cum Laude). It's all because of my first matriculated quarter at Poly in Fall of '94. I attended for one quarter (actually about 1/2 a quarter), failed all my classes, and subsequently dropped out of school for 4 years. So those F's from my first quarter drop my cumulative gpa by an entire 0.2 grade points. If I had realized this before this quarter started, I would have re-taken Calculus I and found something to replace the Biology class I took (I already replaced the comp sci class). As it is, I'm going to see if I can find some loop-hole that will allow me to graduate Magna Cum Laude. I'll try to keep the blog up to date on my pursuits.

Well, time to get back to the senior project. It's amazing how often I post to this thing when I really have more important things to do, and how infrequently when I have nothing better to do.

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