Tuesday, April 06, 2004

The weekend is over

Another Monday. Week two of the Spring quarter. Nine more to go after this one (including finals week). Held a shindig on Friday to celebrate my birthday (which I alluded to in my last post). Quite fun if I do say so myself. Some old friends from Stenner and CDM Tech. were able to make it which was great. First time I'd gotten to hang out with some of those people in years. Also a lot of new friends I've made while living in this new house this year made it.

Then on Saturday, there were two parties that I decided to grace with my presence. First, it was off to a Hurricane party at my roomie Chelsea's friends Liz's place. I stayed away from the hurricanes and had some Amber Bock. When people started leaving Liz's place, Mike and I went to my friend Nate's house. He was having a cocktail party with mandatory dress and all. An excuse to wear my zoot suit, how could I turn that down. Finally turned in sometime early Sunday morning. Needless to say, Friday and Saturday weren't very productive as far as school is concerned.

I got a decent amount of work done on Sunday and Today though. I'm thoroughly enjoying the reading for my PoliSci class so far. Hopefully it holds up throughout the quarter. I'm planning on heading down to Berdo for the Easter weekend to spend some time with the family. I'll have to borrow a laptop from school again so that I can work on the Senior Project over the weekend. Rebecca, wish you could be there. We'll be at Angelita's on Sunday, so give us a call SINCE NO ONE HAS YOUR NUMBER! ;)

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